
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Performer of the Month: Hilary Hahn

If you remember my post from the summer, I said that I had a few surprises up my sleeve. Well, here's one of them- fifth grade gets to tag along with the Elkins Pointe Middle School Orchestra group for the opportunity to go to the symphony at a really reduced ticket price. I've done this before when I taught orchestra, but I wanted to give all the fifth grade students the chance to go if you want to go.

I'll give you more information about it in class, but the major details are that this is not a field trip (you need to bring your own adult and pay for the tickets), and if you do go, you will get to see the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra with violin soloist Hilary Hahn performing that night.

Hilary was three when she started playing the violin, and went to the Curtis Institute at age 10. The Curtis Institute is a school for very talented musicians. She was eligible to graduate at 16, but she wanted to learn more things, so she did not graduate until she was 19.

By the time Hilary graduated from the Curtis Institute, she was already traveling and performing the violin around the world.

She is known for trying new works and introducing people to the music of new composers.

She plays in two alternative rock bands.

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